
Our Memorial Weekend

We had a pretty full weekend. Saturday morning we went to cemetaries and put flowers on the graves of our loved ones. Later got ready to go out for supper with our friends Norm and Patti. We went to Lakers Resturant in Hamilton Indiana, and the steaks were great. We had not been with Norm and Patti much since just recently they got back here from staying in Texas for the winter. We came back to our house and visited. They invited us to come to their house for a cookout Sunday so we went to their house and watched Indy 500 with them. We spent the day and part of the evening it was a great time. Monday we stayed home and Dennis put a new belt on the truck and waxed the Torrent. Car looks great he did a good job detailing it. I puttered around my flower beds and garden. Just don't want the weeds to take over. We really had a good weekend. Memories flowed of our loved ones. My family lost a dear friend on Friday. Carol Stantz she had been ill. She was a long time friend she will missed greatly. Thoughts & prayers for her family. Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend.

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