My nephew Tim & wife Lillie helped family welcome my Great nephew Jonathon home from Iraq he is on 2 week leave before he goes back to Bagdad. It was a rainy day we made the best of the weather spite I think we had all a great time. Some family drove 3-4 hours to come and see him. Legion Riders came in on there bikes and thanked him for his serving his country. That was quite emotion rush for all. Thank You Jonathon!!! Shelley & Jonathon
I called Aunt Lola for for a visit and then thought her and I would go and see the families newest additions well instead they surprised me and had the boys at Aunt Lola's for me to see them together. The boys are 1 month old this weekend & only 2 days apart and are happy healthy little ones!! Dawn & Matt's baby Colton is in navy outfit and Andrew is in the green outfit which is Addrienne and Joe's son. 4 Generations setting on the couch. Great Grandma Lola, Dawn with son Colton, and Grandma Deb