As there was many cars at Harrison Lake I thought it would be nice to upload some of our friends cars Dennis has taken.We take so many pictures so we want to appreciate the hard work our friends put in their cars so we can enjoy them and have fun at car shows with them. We had a great time and enjoyed the cars too!!

Our friends and their plaques what a fun day!!

Bev and Monty's car. As requested and we will try Monty taking more pictures of Impala's if their around!!! LOL!!

Alma & Denver's car.

Ray & Patti Harding's car. He was at Harrison Lake but Butch for got to take a picture of his car but this was taken at Muddy River Run in Fort Wayne the weekend before

Ron Clark's car

Over view of the car show as you can see it was a beautiful day.

Larry Kunkle's car

Ed and Janis car

Tom and Sandy's car

Cousin Rick and Sharon's car

Monty going for his plaque what a beauty of a car Monty and Bev have

Seen the blimp while we was going down the road so we pulled off to get a picture.