
April walk in the woods Farmer Ohio

It was a wonder Good Friday for us. We spent time in the woods at Aunt Cleda's near Farmer. We had been there a couple weeks ago and previous pictures you can see there was no greenery at all but Friday was the showing of spring. I was behind the camera taking nature pictures while my poor hubby was working hard. We had a tree down and we wanted to finish getting it cleaned up well with my health I am not much help but I went to keep him supplied with fluids and lunch and took plenty of walks in the woods. We had a small picnic in the woods it was fun!! So the next pictures is of our day!!

He had just unloaded wood from small trailer to big trailer that we cannot get in the woods
When we were back up toward the house I had to take pictures of Aunt Cleda's radiant yellow bush I loved it!!
We were told they would like fence row cleaned up near the house Dennis is checking it out
Aunt Cleda's Daffodils
Beautiful flowers

1 comment:

Doyle & Aimee Cooper said...

LOVE the pictures of the daffodils and the wild flowers... especially the one where you are holding a bunch in your left hand. Nice pictures!!!